Author Archives: jaypeg

March 2014 Update North County Monthly Market Trends

February sales were below average for this time of the year and inventory at 611 detached homes is way up on the very low figure of 431 we had this time last year. Distressed homes are running about 10% with 20 out of 216 sales short or bank owned homes. Just a year ago 65 […]

January 2014 Update North County Monthly Market Trends

As we start a new year we can look back at fairly dramatic 2013 that saw some significant price rises and months of very low inventory. Every North County zip code assessed here saw distressed sales decline in some areas to zero. Bank owned homes are now very scarce. It felt like a buoyant active […]

October 2013 Update North County Monthly Market Trends

As we enter the fourth quarter 2013 we can look back at a dynamic year so far with significant price gains in almost all price ranges and zip codes, a dramatic drop in inventory and what looks like the end of a distressed sales dominated market. The tables below highlight these trends in far more […]

July 2013 Update North County Monthly Market Trends

Clearly the trend for North County San Diego as we enter the third quarter is the continuing decline in inventory across the area and the significant price increases we see especially in certain price bands. The tables below show this trend for both North County and below in more detail for Carlsbad. The better news […]

April 2013 Update North County Monthly Market Trends

Clearly the trend for North County San Diego as we enter the second quarter is the continuing decline in inventory across the area. The tables below show this dramatic trend for both North County and also in more detail for Carlsbad. The better news is the continuing decline of distressed homes in the area. The […]