We have been studying market trends in North County for a very long time and many of the results of this can be seen if you click a town tab such as Encinitas or Carlsbad. To extend this analysis even further we took a look at one zip code 92009 in Carlsbad in more detail to see how the price of detached homes have trended since 2004. We did this by square feet so if you have a home here you can track how the market boomed and then fell back for your type of home.
By the way and changing the subject to cable TV. If you live in North County and have Time Warner cable you may be staggered by the increasing cost of this. I try and call them every year or so and tell them I am leaving for Direct TV or Cox and they put me through to their retention department where in every case I get a reduction in fees and sometimes they throw in HBO or Starz free for 3-6 months. Tell them your friend, relative or real estate agent ( I hope that’s us) told you they are paying much less than you. Post here if you were successful. Good luck.